ProArgi 9 Plus

ProArgi 9+ contains the amino acids L-Arginine and L-Citrulline along with vitamins C, D, and B6. With its myriad of benefits, the vitamins C and B6 found in ProArgi 9+ contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous and immune systems as well as to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue while the vitamin D found in ProArgi 9+ contributes to normal blood calcium levels, the absorption of phosphorus and the maintenance of normal muscle function.

ProArgi 9 Plus can be taken at any time during the day, simply mix one scoop with 240 ml water (to your taste) and stir until dissolved.

Source: Synergy WorldWide

ProArgi-9+ was formulated in collaboration with leading l-arginine researchers and cardiovascular specialists who have conducted pioneering research in the proper application of l-arginine in promoting cardiovascular health. Each serving contains 5 grams of pure, free-form pharmaceutical grade l-arginine. In the human body, l-arginine is converted to nitric oxide (NO2), which helps relax the blood vessels and improve blood flow to critical organs and tissues. This reduces stress on the heart and helps improves circulation. Research on the effects of nitric oxide on the body have been awarded the Noble Prize. L-arginine is major source for nitric oxide synthesis. L-citrulline prolongs and intensifies the impact of arginine.
Our supplement is also a source of many minerals and vitamins contained in fruit extracts, which are its components.

L-arginine - plays an important role in many biochemical processes, enabling proper functioning of our bodies. Arginine is m. Al. naturally processed to nitric oxide, affecting the flexibility and extensibility of blood vessels and thus blood pressure and sufficient supply of blood to organs.

Citrulline - metabolized amino acids involved in the synthesis cycle of nitric oxide in the human body. With citrulline each dose of arginine works much longer.

Vitamin C - is widely known beneficial effects. Supports proper functioning of the immune system. It helps in protecting cells against oxidative stress. ProArgi 9 Plus contains vitamin C of natural origin.

Vitamin B6 promotes normal cysteine ​​synthesis and the production of red blood cells at the appropriate level. It also reduces the feeling of tiredness and fatigue.

Vitamin B12 helps the proper functioning of the nervous system. It allows the maintenance of normal homocysteine ​​metabolism and plays a role in cell division.

Vitamin D3
- supports the proper absorption of calcium and phosphorus, favors maintaining the proper level of calcium in the blood. It helps in the proper functioning of muscles, including the heart muscle and immune system.

Vitamin K (K2)
controlling the preparation of the prothrombin is conducive to maintaining normal blood clotting limits the deposition of calcium in the blood vessels.

Resveratrol, which is non-alcoholic extract of red wine or red grape vitis vinifera, is the source of many antioxidants, anthocyanins and polyphenols.

Extract of pomegranate against free radicals. It is a natural source of vitamin E, potassium, copper, selenium, zinc and beta-carotene

Vitamin B9 (folic acid) acts regulate the growth and functioning of cells. It has a positive effect on the nervous system and brain.

Stevia is a natural, safe sweetener with a low glycemic index. Sugar replacement leads to a smaller increase in blood glucose levels.

Table with the composition ProArgi-9+ does not include a number of vitamins and trace elements naturally contained in fruit and vegetable extracts which are contained in the supplement.

Nitric oxide and blood pressure

Nitric oxide (NO) has a very significant effect on blood pressure and health problems the nature of cardiovascular disease. Many of us suffer from hypertension. With age, the capillaries lose their elasticity and narrow. Blood flow becomes more difficult. The heart has to work harder. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure is raised. Providing the right amount of nitric oxide in the system causes the relaxation of the capillary vessels and lower blood pressure.

Numerous studies have confirmed the following benefits of maintaining an appropriate level of nitric oxide in the blood:
  • proper regulation of blood pressure
  • better flow of blood to all vital organs
  • improving sexual ability of both men and women
  • assistance in maintaining proper blood sugar levels
  • increase vital energy, increase immunity
In 1998 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine, three researchers role of nitric oxide, which is a natural precursor to arginine. Research by Robert F. Furchgott, Luis J. Ignarro and Ferido'a Murado marked the beginning of the road, which was later followed by other researchers. One of them was Dr. Ann Allen. Her own experiences have devised a unique komplekser of l-arginine, which was then covered by a patent and sold exclusively. Make today bears the name of ProArgi 9 Plus.<br /> <br /> One of the founders of the formula ProArgi 9 is Dr. Joseph Prendergast. A world-class specialist (and many experts considered to be the best in the world) in internal medicine and endocrinology and metabolism. He is also an expert in the use of L-arginine, in which the action of a strong believer. He used it to successfully treat their patients by 6000 nearly 20 years. He also uses years ProArgi 9 Plus. It is worth mentioning that none of the patients doctor was sent to the hospital due to a stroke or heart attack.<br /> <br /> <br /> <b>Research confirms that ProArgi 9 Plus:</b><br /> <ul> <li>is a powerful antioxidant,</li> <li>helps to make more flexible the arteries blood vessels,</li> <li>helps prevent heart attacks.</li> </ul> <br /> For most of us, due to aging, blood vessels lose their elasticity. The first sign is elevated or high blood pressure. The arteries become stiff, less permeable, so the heart has to work harder to do its job. The most common treatment proposed in this type of diseases is to take medication. Unfortunately, high blood pressure medications only mask the cardiovascular problems, while causing side effects and significantly reducing the efficiency of the body.<br /> <br /> <br /> <b>This product partially patented</b><br /> <br /> Main Board of the United States of America d / s Food &amp; Drug Administration and the U.S. Copyright d / s Food and Drug Law, ProArgi9 inscribed on the list of patents! The unique formula of our L-arginine is protected by patent number 6,608,109. This means that the formula can not be used without permission.<br /> <br /> <br /> <b>15 unique, scientifically proven ProArgi9 of patent applications:</b><br /> <ul> <li>Building muscle mass</li> <li>Strengthening growth,</li> <li>Stimulation of muscle growth,</li> <li>Promotion of hypothalamic hormone responses,</li> <li>Reducing the internal fat</li> <li>It is an antioxidant,</li> <li>Help maintain a healthy, appropriate level of blood sugar,</li> <li>Better tolerated than the l-arginine acting alone,</li> <li>Increasing energy</li> <li>Rejuvenating,</li> <li>Improve sexual performance in men and women,</li> <li>It adaptogen,</li> <li>It helps to activate the mechanism needed to maintain its own healthy levels of growth hormone,</li> <li>Increases the amount of nitric oxide in the human body,</li> <li>Does not activate the anti-aging mechanisms in patients under 25 years of age.</li> </ul> <br /> The product has been tested by more than 250,000 people. ProArgi 9 is effective and 100% safe. It enjoys a great reputation.<br /> <br /> <br /> <b>The composition of the supplement</b><br /> <br /> The main ingredient is L-Arginine, who plays first violin in many biological functions of the body. Arginine is converted in the body to nitric oxide, which our blood vessels become more flexible. The final effect of supplementation with L-arginine are wunormowane better circulation and blood pressure.<br /> <br /> Citrulline - amino acid metabolism that provides additional nitric oxide. It helps to optimize blood flow in the body and balances energy.<br /> <br /> Vitamin C - natural origin. It improves immunity, prevents bleeding gums.<br /> <br /> Folic acid, vitamins B3 and B12 - to work together naturally decreasing levels of cysteine. Folic acid is important in the production of red blood cells (particularly for those with anemia).<br /> <br /> Vitamin D3 - is necessary in the absorption of calcium. D3 also plays a role in the normal function of the cardiovascular system.<br /> <br /> Resveratrol, which is an extract of red wine - has the number of antioxidants, anthocyanins and polyphenols, which help protect the heart and reduce LDL levels.<br /> <br /> Pomegranate fruit extract - an antioxidant, such as gallic acid. Inhibit LDL oxidation and improves the quality of the arteries, positively influences NOS activity, the enzyme responsible for the conversion of L-arginine to nitric oxide.<br /> <br /> Ribose - a naturally occurring sugar tested because of its ability to improve the exchange of energy in the cells of the heart.<br /> <br /> Xylitol - a component of a low glycemic index. It occurs naturally in the body.<br /> <br /> <br /> Container size: 300 grams<br /> <br /> Supplement is produced in known for their top quality plants NSP. Its production is qualified by a number of standards and approvals. Each component is random but meticulous quality control in the light of heavy metal contamination. Company Nature's Sunshine Products has 40 years experience in the manufacture of dietary supplements and is one of the world leaders in the healthcare industry. Plants for ProArgi 9 Plus are certified NSF GMP.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <b>Why L-arginine must be consumed on an empty stomach?</b><br /> <br /> An empty stomach is required, because some components of our food, such as other competing amino acids in the stomach or digestive after a meal, can significantly interfere with the absorption of arginine. ProArgi best taken 30 minutes before meals or two hours after.<br /> <br /> <br /> <b>ProArgi 9 Plus and high blood pressure</b><br /> <br /> ProArgi9 has a very large impact on blood pressure and other cardiovascular health problems. Many of us suffer from high blood pressure. Over time, the capillaries lose their elasticity, blood flow is becoming increasingly difficult. The heart works harder. Is raised systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Delivering nitric oxide to the capillary system, the blood pressure is lowered.<br /> <br /> Tests confirm the advantages of the L-arginine in the product:<br /> <ul> <li>Synthesis of nitric oxide</li> <li>regulation of blood pressure</li> <li>better blood flow to vital organs</li> <li>anti-aging - stimulates growth hormone</li> <li>improving sexual ability of both men and women</li> <li>effective in the fight against obesity</li> <li>appropriate blood sugar</li> <li>increasing energy for life</li> <li>increases the body's resistance better strength in athletes</li> </ul> <br /> <br /> <b>ProArgi and aging</b><br /> <br /> One part of the aging process, when your body is changing, is the production of hormones of youth. clinical definition takes into account the aging and enables the reduction of hormones of youth. Human growth hormone, testosterone and IGF factors are essential for the process of aging. One of the properties of L-arginine to stimulate the body's production of growth hormone, testosterone and IGF equal to the same level that we have in youth.<br /> <br /> <br /> <b>ProArgi9 ideal for active people!</b><br /> <br /> During exercise, your body burns carbohydrates first, and then fats. Supplementation ProArgi9 30 minutes before the exercise result that the fat is burned first. For these reasons, it is recommended supplement for people doing fitness.<br /> ProArgi also enjoys considerable popularity among bodybuilders and athletes because it formed nitric oxide improves blood flow and promotes the growth of muscle mass. Another advantage is the faster recovery of the body after exercise.<br /> <br /> <b><br /> Effects of L-arginine, which benefits?</b><br /> <br /> One of the biggest benefits of L-arginine is its ability to reduce the risk of heart disease and cardiovascular system. The increase in nitric oxide production is another benefit.<br /> <br /> Other advantages are the following:<br /> <ul> <li>reduces the risk of vascular heart disease,</li> <li>reduces the amount of fat in the body,</li> <li>accelerate the fat burning process,</li> <li>improves the resistance of the body,</li> <li>alternative to Viagra is also used for women</li> <li>build muscle mass</li> <li>increases bone density,</li> <li>shortens the recovery period after trauma, especially in brittle bones as osteoporosis,</li> <li>have antioxidant properties,</li> <li>increases the level of energy needed for life,</li> <li>lowers blood pressure and levels,</li> <li>reduces the risk of heart disease and lowers cholesterol,</li> <li>frees clogged blood vessels,</li> <li>increases the number of sperm and sperm motility by 250% for a period of two weeks,</li> <li>maintain proper blood sugar levels,</li> <li>increases the level of orgasm in women</li> <li>helps in the treatment of cardiovascular disease which is chronic.</li> </ul> <br /> <br /> Proven remedy<br /> <br /> Supplement has been studied in terms of legal standards. According to the guidelines of the World Anti-Doping Commission and the World Anti-Doping Code, Supplement Synergy was considered legal substance for athletes, the measure allowed the marketing and consumption. We have successfully used around the world by professional athletes, Olympians, and members of any international sporting event.<br /> <br /> <br /> <b>Clinical Study</b><br /> <br /> Description of the test<br /> <br /> At the beginning of 2009, began a 90-day clinical trial in the High Desert Heart Institute. The study involved 35 patients with congestive heart failure who were treated at one of the branches of the institute.<br /> <br /> In June of the same year in the study included 33 patients the hospital. One person dropped out of the experiment because it received a new heart. And the second you leave treatment because of lack of clarity in the minutes.<br /> <br /> Within 90 days, each patient underwent underwent extensive diagnostic tests that have generated 7000 data points. Here is a partial list of the tests:<br /> Complete blood tests (including examination lipids and electrolytes)<br /> Urine<br /> Echocardiography<br /> Two forms of Pulse Wave Analysis<br /> The protein concentration of protein<br /> The level of vitamin D3<br /> Ankle Brachial Index Testing (Using Ultra Sound Doppler)<br /> Computed tomography of the heart<br /> <br /> The essential message:<br /> All patients participating in the study achieved a virtual point of "no return", meaning that they have received the maximum in the pharmacological and medical treatment.<br /> <br /> Dosage<br /> Each patient in the study received four doses of ProArgi 9 Plus, which is 40 grams per day for a period of 90 days. Each dose contains 5 grams of L-Arginine, as well as 5 grams of other components, enabling the production of Nitric Oxide and improve cardiac function.<br /> <br /> Applications<br /> Dr.. Siva Arunasalam, who helped and supervised the study states .... We had no choice but to take the test, in the case of these patients, all options are exercised. In all patients we have seen a huge improvement in health, we could assign only ProArgi 9 Plus ...<br /> <br /> Dr.. Siva also expressed a number of important ... but in the end we found a significant, positive changes in the reconstruction of the heart, the pulmonary arteries, vascular changes in the level of pressure in the lungs, changes in the size and heart ...<br /> <br /> Due to the huge success of the study, the High Desert Heart Institute implemented a protocol talking about the use of L-arginine by the administration of ProArgi 9 Plus patients in the standard of medical care.<br /> <br /> <br /> <b>How dose ProArgi 9?</b><br /> <br /> ProArgi dosing spoon that came with the product. Put one tablespoon to 120-240 ml of still water or boiled. (One tablespoon is 10 grams.<br /> Stir until dissolved. If the water is very cold, the solution requires about 1 minute to completely dissolve. Requires an empty stomach, because some components of food are competing in the digestive tract. ProArgi 9 Plus is the best drink 30-40 minutes before breakfast every morning.<br /> Important note: drink should be mixed plastic or wooden spoon.<br /> <br /> Normally we use:<br /> One serving (10 grams) in the morning, 30-40 minutes before breakfast.<br /> <br /> The effect antystarzeniowy:<br /> Put two portions (20 grams) and 300 ml of water. Stir and drink on an empty stomach 30 minutes before bedtime. Dinner eat two hours before drinking ProArgi.<br /> <br /> For athletes:<br /> Take two drinks before going to bed (the same as the result antystarzeniowym and one serving 30 minutes before training.<br /> <br /> Container size: 300 grams<br /> <b><br /> How to achieve the full benefits?</b><br /> <br /> To derive the full benefit from supplementation, ProArgi be used to apply for a minimum of six weeks. Leaving one day increase the time needed to achieve the maximum benefit. Supplement shall be on an empty stomach, because some components of food are competing in the digestive after a meal.<br /> <br /> Recommended treatment:<br /> 10 grams ProArgi 40 minutes before breakfast and 10 grams of 40 minutes before bedtime.<br /> <br /> Supplement ProArgi 9 Plus has an established, global good reviews in dozens of countries.<br /> <br /> <b><br /> ProArgi 9 Plus - OPINIONS</b><br /> <br /> I accept the third week of the product. According to the manufacturer effects are visible after 30 days. In my case, the first results have observed in the second week of use. Struggling with hypertension and diabetes. I have the beginnings of atherosclerosis alive. Today, the level of my pressure is normal, just to stabilize my blood sugar. Legs hurt less, faster fall asleep, do not get tired at bedtime. I once drank noni juice, I felt better. However, after ProArgi 9 being is perfect. Supplement recommend to people of all ages, not just the elderly. It's hard not to put ProArgi reputation.<br /> Wenceslas, 72<br /> Warsaw<br /> <br /> My opinion about ProArgi 9 is the most positive. The biggest changes we have observed a reduction in systolic blood pressure of 10 units, pulse just 5-10 units down. In this way, the early pressure returned to normal pressure. My job costs me a lot of effort, but after less ProArgi 9 Plus I get tired, I'm more relaxed, even a small amount of sleep. Another positive effect is to increase libido and improve sexual performance. It's true what they say in the network (plus words of the manufacturer). To achieve maximum benefit from the use of the supplement, you should take a minimum of 5 grams of arginine per day (or 10 grams of total formulation). In summary, ProArgi met my expectations, I can not say anywhere preparations. Interesting fact: ProArgi 9 Plus works very well together with the magnesium.<br /> Mark, aged 49<br /> Warsaw<br /> <br /> Description of the treatment of Mr. Marian 92 years<br /> Mr. Marian ProArgi9Plus applied at a dose of 10 grams per day. The preparation was administered every night, about 30-60 minutes before bedtime. After three weeks of supplementation, Mr. Marian noticed a lot of changes in well-being and physical activity. Before treatment the old man complained of chronic pain in his legs against atherosclerosis, lack of energy and willingness to make an effort (prescribed by a doctor), and a bad dream. As a consequence of the treatment were mainly feel better, more willingness to move out of the house, walking, long and peaceful sleep. After a month of treatment largely decreased leg pain.<br /> <br /> I think Proargi 9 Plus inhibits weight gain.<br /> In my opinion, ProArgi 9 Plus reduces weight gain. As long as I took even one serving a day, not even shoulder tyłam some more physical. When I stopped taking ProArgi, then after about 3 months I started to gain weight again. Now, again, I take half a year and not get fat again and even a bit lost weight. It may have helped in this walk, which I fancy (and I think also by Proargi). Regards<br /> Teresa, 48<br /> <br /> The heart is a powerful muscle and the most important organ in the body. Therefore, to maintain optimal health of the heart and improve blood circulation is very important for the long-term well-being. ProArgi 9 Plus is a unique product that contains L-Arginine and other powerful ingredients that work in harmony to improve health and fitness. ProArgi 9 strengthens heart health, providing L-arginine into the circulatory system. ProArgi 9 Plus was formulated in collaboration with leading l-arginine researchers such as J. Joseph Prendergast and other specialists who have conducted pioneering cardiovascular research in the proper application of L-arginine for cardiovascular support. ProArgi combines the latest technology and excellent ingredients to help boost energy levels and improve overall health.